Is Media Broken?

Content is King, but distribution is Queen, and you know Queens run the sh*t" - Farokh


In the digital age, the landscape of media is undergoing a radical transformation. With the rise of Web3, blockchain technology, and decentralized platforms, the traditional models of media consumption and production are being challenged. In a panel discussion titled "Is Media Broken?" held at the NF Paris conference, industry experts delved into the current state of media, its challenges, and the innovative solutions being pioneered to reshape it. Led by a diverse panel comprising individuals from Rug Radio, Decrypt, and The Nifty, the discussion explored the convergence of technology, journalism, and creator culture in revolutionizing media.


  • Easy (Founder & Partner, The Nifty & BoDoggos)
  • Farokh (President, Rug Radio/Decrypt)
  • Loxley Fernandes (CEO, Rug Radio/Decrypt)
  • Josh Quittner (Chairman, Rug Radio/Decrypt)
  • Moderated by Quinn Button, Ph.D. (COO, Rug Radio/Decrypt)

Key Points

  1. Media Challenges: Sander highlighted the grim reality of traditional media, emphasizing the broken model revolving around ad revenue and subscription-based models. With major platforms transitioning away from news content, the sustainability of traditional media is at risk.
  2. The Creator Economy: Easy emphasized the power of decentralized platforms in empowering creators to share their thoughts and ideas authentically. The shift towards creator-based news cycles on social media platforms is reshaping the media landscape.
  3. Symbiotic Relationships: Farokh elaborated on the merger between Rug Radio and Decrypt, highlighting the symbiotic relationship between traditional journalism and creator-driven content. The integration of platforms allows for seamless content distribution and collaboration.
  4. Empowering Creators: Loxley discussed the technology behind their platform, focusing on blockchain's role in redistributing value among creators, consumers, and partners. By leveraging on-chain data, creators can better understand their audience and monetize their content effectively.


The future of media lies in the convergence of technology, journalism, and creator culture. By embracing decentralized platforms and blockchain technology, media companies can empower creators, foster symbiotic relationships with consumers, and revolutionize content distribution. As the industry evolves, it's imperative to prioritize inclusivity, authenticity, and equitable value distribution to ensure a thriving media ecosystem in the years to come.

Through collaboration and innovation, the panelists envision a future where media serves not only as a source of information but also as a catalyst for meaningful connections and engagement within communities. With creators leading the charge, the media landscape is poised for a transformative journey towards a more decentralized, inclusive, and impactful future.

Watch the full talk



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