From Mint to Make

"Every experience from my past informed what I built at Art Blocks. I firmly believe that cracking that nut is going to be the key to unlocking curiosity and delight for what we do for the next generation of collectors." - Erick (Snowfro) Calderon


In a bustling conference hall, amid the anticipation of a tech-savvy audience, Erick (Snowfro) Calderon, CEO & Founder of Art Blocks, took the stage with a warmth that transcended the chill of a Saturday morning. With a humble demeanor, he welcomed attendees to a talk that promised to unveil the journey from minting to making in the realm of NFTs.

Speaker: Erick (Snowfro) Calderon - CEO & Founder, Art Blocks

Key Points:

  1. From Concept to Creation: Erick delved into the evolution of his journey, tracing it back to the inception of his interest in design and creativity. His foray into projection mapping and subsequent ventures in product design provided the foundation for his exploration of the intersection between art and technology.
  2. Marrying Technology with Art: The integration of code-based outputs with physical manifestations became a central theme in Erick's narrative. From Kickstarter campaigns for programmable wristbands to the inception of generative tile collections, he showcased a progression towards merging digital art with tangible objects.
  3. Expanding the Ecosystem: Erick articulated his vision for expanding the NFT ecosystem beyond mere speculation. He emphasized the need for utility and meaningful experiences associated with NFT ownership, aiming to inspire creators and collectors alike to explore the untapped potential of digital assets.
  4. Accessibility and Inclusivity: Erick's initiatives, such as the friendship bracelet project and the inclusive edition of the Heart and Craft NFTs, underscored his commitment to accessibility and inclusivity in the NFT space. By empowering users to participate in the creation process and offering low-cost options, he aimed to democratize the ownership of digital art.
  5. Looking Ahead: With a keen eye on the future, Erick envisioned a landscape where NFTs seamlessly integrate into mainstream culture. He called for a shift towards long-term thinking, focusing on compelling use cases and engaging experiences that extend beyond mere financial speculation.


As Erick concluded his talk, he extended an invitation to the audience to join him on a journey to redefine the perception of art and technology. With a blend of optimism and pragmatism, he urged participants to embrace the diverse possibilities offered by the NFT space and to chart a course towards a future where creativity knows no bounds. In Erick's vision, the transition from minting to making signifies not just a technological shift but a cultural evolution—a movement towards a world where art is not just owned but experienced, cherished, and shared by all.

Watch the full talk here :



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